For the sixth installment in this series, we see Harry (Daniel Radcliffe; Woman in Black) trying to convince the wizarding world that "The one who shalt not be named" A.K.A Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes; Schindler's List) has returned. Unfortunately, they don't believe him so they aren't prepared for what is to come. The Ministry of Magic is also unhappy with how Dumbledore (Michael Gambon; Sleepy Hollow) has been handling Hogwarts so they send Dolores Umbridge(Imelda Staunton; Much Ado About Nothing) to oversee the daily operations. Of course, she makes lots of unwelcome changes that the students hate. Adding to all that is going on at Hogwarts, a group of Wizards including Dumbledore and Sirius Black (Gary Oldman; The Dark Night) secretly form The Order of the Phoenix hoping to Combat Voldemort and his followers.
The Order of the Phoenix introduces audiences to Director David Yates and he will go on to direct the last three Harry Potter films and the newest installment in the franchise, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. His style, while a little darker than some of the other Potter films, fits the theme well and he knows how to move the story along without getting bogged down in details, which can be tricky with a novel to work from. He certainly brings the magic aspect alive in a wonderful way, so it is no surprise he has been tapped for Fantastic Beasts as well.
The cast is made up of the originals that we came to watch grow up before our eyes. Radcliffe, along with Emma Watson (Beauty and the Beast) and Rupert Grint (Snatch) show more maturity that will carry them through to the end. The Order also brings Helena Bonham Carter (Alice in Wonderland) on board as the Evil Bellatrix Lestrange and she is perfect in the role. Staunton is also a new addition that does a terrific job, making Umbridge that teacher in the school all the kids loved to hate and tried to undermine any chance they could.
The 4k Blu-ray is 2160p video quality with a 2.39:1 aspect ratio. The transfer to this higher quality can be slightly problematic but is overall well done. The blacks are deeper and the colors richer than previous versions but the picture is still slightly grainy giving it an air of authenticity. The DTS: X unencumbered and sharp and the mix is well done.
The 4K Disc does not offer any extras but the regular Blu-ray has several previously released features to enjoy. These include Creating the World of Harry Potter Part 5: Evolution, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Behind the Scenes, Building the Magic: The Sets of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The Rebellion Begins, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Fulfilling a Prophecy, Trailing Tonks, Harry Potter: The Magic of Editing, Deleted Scenes, Teaser Trailer, and the Theatrical Trailer. All are worth watching once again.
If you don't yet have 4k technologies, you should go out and buy it right now so you can enjoy many of your favorite films but especially the last four movies in the Harry Potter series. These movies are classics that will delight generations to come and having them in their most updated format is essential for any Harry Potter fan.
Grade: A-