On a happier note, April (Sarah Dew) had her baby and is clashing with her former mother-in-law in regards to the new precious bundle that arrived. Maybe we will see a rekindling of the romance between April and Dr. Jackson Avery (Jesse Wlliams), since there seems no hope left for Karev and Jo Wilson (Camilla Luddington). Meanwhile, Nathan Riggs (Martin Henderson) and Meredith are sleeping together – or are they? Seeing that the show is still called Grey's Anatomy, the writers really need to bring some romance to Meredith's life.
There seems to be intrigue and mystery surrounding our favorite doctors and amazement at Karev's situation, although he has been heard to say over the last 12 seasons that he's lucky he didn't end up in jail. Have his words just been an ominous sign for Karev's way out of the show? So many of out favorite actors have left that I am not sure if Grey's can survive another original character leaving the show.
Many questions remain unsolved in the Season 13 premiere. Hopefully, the writers will be able to reconcile the characters and the stories this year because last season, with Shepard gone, there seemed to be a hole in our favorite hospital.
Grey's Anatomy airs on ABC on Thursday nights at 8 p.m.