Ash vs Evil Dead Ash 4 President | Purple Mountains

Ash is the only man who can cross party lines, because no one likes a party more than Ash Williams. Under the promise of making America groovy again, fans can sign up to receive custom campaign swag, download political posters, and share Ash's policies across social media. Through and the @Ash4President Twitter handle STARZ will be releasing a series of exclusive political clips featuring Ash Williams giving his take on hot button issues to get loyal fans (err, citizens) to the polls. Ash is still waiting for the invite to the presidential debates but just in case it got lost in the mail he'll be live tweeting the debates from the @Ash4President handle to make sure his voice is heard. Hey America, you could do worse.


ASH VS EVIL DEAD is the long-awaited follow-up to the classic horror film franchise THE EVIL DEAD from original filmmakers Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert, and Bruce Campbell and Craig DiGregorio. Campbell reprises his role as Ash, the stock boy, aging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter who has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead. When a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind, Ash is finally forced to face his demons –personal and literal. Destiny, it turns out, has no plans to release the unlikely hero from its “Evil” grip.

Cast: , , ,
Directed By: 
MPAA Rating: TV-MA
Genre: TV/Streaming Series
Distributed By: Starz Media
Stream on Amazon Prime
Stream on Vudu / Fandango

Ash vs Evil Dead is © Starz Media. All Rights Reserved.