Aftermath Trailer


Two strangers' lives become inextricably bound together after a devastating plane crash. Inspired by actual events, AFTERMATH tells a story of guilt and revenge after an air traffic controller's (Scoot McNairy) error causes the death of a construction foreman's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wife and daughter.

The film features Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator Genisys, The Expendables 3), Scoot McNairy (Our Brand Is Crisis, 12 Years A Slave), and Maggie Grace (The Taken Series, Lockout).
Lionsgate Premiere, Grindstone Entertainment and Emmett Furla Oasis Films present, an Emmett Furla Oasis Films production, a Protozoa Pictures production, an Oak Productions, Inc. production, a Hat and Coat Productions Limited production, in association with The Fyzz Facility.

Cast: , , ,
Directed By: 
MPAA Rating: R
Genre: Action/Adventure
Running Time: 92 minutes
Distributed By: Lionsgate
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