Bright Teaser
Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time, this action-thriller directed by David Ayer (Suicide Squad, End of Watch, writer of Training Day) follows two cops from very different backgrounds. Ward, a human (Will Smith), and Jakoby, an orc (Joel Edgerton), embark on a routine night patrol that will alter the future of their world as they know it. Battling both their own personal differences as well as an onslaught of enemies, they must work together to protect a young female elf and a thought-to-be-forgotten relic, which in the wrong hands could destroy everything.Cast: Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Noomi Rapace, Lucy Fry, Edgar Ramirez, Happy Anderson, Kenneth Choi, Ike Barinholtz
Directed By: David Ayer
MPAA Rating: TV-MA
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Running Time: 117 minutes
Distributed By: Netflix
Directed By: David Ayer
MPAA Rating: TV-MA
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Running Time: 117 minutes
Distributed By: Netflix
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