Daddy's Home (2015) Movie Review

By Allison Rose   X Formly Known as Twitter
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Will Ferrell's latest endeavor, Daddy’s Home, is more of the same mind numbing antics we have come to expect from him.  I can only hope at some point someone has the common sense to stop hiring him.
Daddy's Home (2015) Movie Review
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I think I have finally figured out why Will Ferrell (Elf) has a movie career.  It's so he can make moronic comedies that really aren't very funny.  His latest endeavor, Daddy's Home, is more of the same mind numbing antics we have come to expect from him.  I can only hope at some point someone has the common sense to stop hiring him.

Brad (Ferrell) is a sweet guy who only ever wanted children of his own but, sadly, is practically sterile.  When he marries Sarah (Linda Carellini; Scooby Doo), he gets almost everything he ever wanted when he becomes stepfather to her two kids.  He is the perfect father figure, making their lunches, coaching their basketball team, etc.  Unfortunately, Sarah's ex-husband, Dusty (Mark Wahlberg; Ted 2), shows up to sabotage Brad's fairly perfect life and "win" back his family.

Of course, Daddy's Home has everything you would expect from this type of comedy… unrealistic scenarios, inexplicable outcomes, etc.   Unfortunately, for a comedy, it wasn't very funny.  I counted… I laughed 3 times during the whole film.  Anyone expecting the hilarity of Wahlberg's other comedies, Ted and TED 2, will be sorely disappointed.

Wahlberg and Carellini do a decent job and Thomas Haden Church (Sideways) as Brad's Boss, Leo, has a few of the more humorous moments in the film, but those are few and far between.  The actors playing the kids are cute enough, but don't add much to the funny factor.  A delightful minor role played by Hannibal Buress (Neighbors), as Griff, is one of the few saving graces of the film.

Maybe I'm biased because I don't especially like Ferrell, but I found him more annoying than funny and, frankly, I silently cheered every time his character had a mishap on screen.    I thought Brad needed to be slapped across the room almost every time he opened his mouth, but maybe that was what director Sean Anders (Horrible Bosses 2) was going for.  If so, he succeeded!

With so many great movies coming out this time of year, audiences would be better served spending their money on one of the more big budget (Star Wars) or high drama (Hateful 8, Concussion) offerings to spend their money. 

As a PG-13 rating, this film was not kid friendly and my 13 year old sat next to me cringing so I wouldn't recommend taking the family to this one.  In fact, wait until it comes to Netflix to catch this movie because after one sitting you will have had more than enough.

Grade: C- (but only because I'm in a Holiday spirit kind of mood)

Directed By:
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 96 minutes
Distributed By: Paramount Pictures

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For more information about Daddy's Home visit the FlickDirect Movie Database. For more reviews by Allison Rose please click here.

Daddy's Home images are courtesy of Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

Allison Rose, a Senior Correspondent and Critic at FlickDirect, is a dynamic presence in the entertainment industry with a communications degree from Hofstra University. She brings her film expertise to KRMS News/Talk 97.5 FM and broadcast television, and is recognized as a Tomatometer-Approved Critic. Her role as an adept event moderator in various entertainment industry forums underscores her versatility. Her affiliations with SEFCA, the Florida Film Critics Circle, and the Online Film Critics Society highlight her as an influential figure in film criticism and media.


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