I'm always Jonesing for a good action film. Not that there aren't some decent action films on streaming venues, mostly dubbed and from other countries, but there's been a lack of real gut-punching American-made dog-eat-dog action films.
So here comes "BLACKLIGHT", not quite a treasure trove of action delights. It is, however, bloated with some over-the-top action; some in-your-face dialogue, a sleazy political character, corrupt FBI agents, what has come to pass as big shootouts, and everything else you can cram into an hour and 48 minutes, except a plausible story.
Just for reference, since if it was said in the story, I missed it, a "BLACKLIGHT" is a "Black Ops" specialist who gets called in when there's a serious problem that's both dangerous and difficult to pull off. In other words, they are calling for Liam Neeson's persona. Ever since he jumped into the lead role in the film "TAKEN", this wonderful Scottish actor has been pigeonholed in one action movie after another. Some are good films, some not so good. It's a testament to his talent and fortitude that he can still pass as a 'big bad boy' at 70 years of age, but 'Be Warned', you need to "check your brain at the door" with this one, and just go with the action, in hopes of finding a plot.
Here's The Storyline...
Travis Block (Liam Neeson) operates in the shadows. He's a semi- freelance "fixer" working for FBI chief Robinson (Aidan Quinn), doing all manner of nasty off-the-books things.
In the course of bringing in a deep-cover operative, Block stumbles onto a shadowy government program called 'Operation Unity' that is striking down ordinary citizens.
Enlisting the aid of a journalist (Emmy Raver-Lampman) to help him discover the truth behind the operation, he unleashes forces that threaten them both and his daughter and granddaughter. The question is, will they all survive the deadly firestorm headed in their direction?
As action films go, this one, directed by Mark Williams, who is primarily a producer, works for about ¾ of the film before its crash and burn ending. As Liam Neeson action films go, it's not one of the better ones, but it's not his fault. He's fine, so are the other actors. The problems here are to be found in a stupid script and in the direction.
My take... If you just sit back and take "BLACKLIGHT" for what it is, a run-of-the-mill action flick, you'll find it a short diversion. It'll be streaming soon.
Rating: C