One may find it difficult to believe but the first prime-time animated series aired over sixty years ago when The Flintstones premiered on ABC at 8:30 pm. Of course, anyone who has seen the show knows it is pretty much good, wholesome family fun. Fast forward almost thirty years to 1989 when the face of evening, animated television had changed as The Simpsons moved into Springfield. The well-liked show has now become the longest-running cartoon in history. Soon after others followed...South Park, Archer, Family name a few. Then, in 2011 Bob's Burgers premiered on Fox where it initially garnered mixed reviews but eventually found a following. It has now become popular enough to warrant a feature film. Said film, The Bob's Burgers Movie, heads to theaters on May 22, 2022.
As morning breaks on a nondescript shore town somewhere in the United States (often believed to be in New Jersey), The Belcher Family -Bob (H. Jon Benjamin; Archer), Linda (John Roberts; Gravity Falls), Tina (Dan Mintz; VEEP), Gene (Eugene Mirman; Third Watch) and Louise (Kristin School; Gravity Falls) - get ready to start their day. Bob is experimenting, trying to create a very special burger for the bank manager who bob is hoping to woo in order to secure an extension on the loan.
However, things don't go according to plan and the extension is rejected. Bob and Linda now have a week to come up with the loan money. Adding insult to injury, a pipe bursts on the street right outside the entrance to the restaurant, sending Bob into a tailspin of depression.
And that is only the beginning of the weird events plaguing the Belchers. However, despite their worries, the Belchers always manage to face their problems while singing a ditty or two.
For over a decade, Bob's Burgers has entertained fans so why not make a movie? The studio has a built-in audience and they might gain a few new fans who go to the theater with their friends, having no idea what to expect. Without any previous knowledge of this quirky/nerdy family, the movie might convert some of them, for fans of the show, this is pure fan service. It seems to be much of what one would see on the small screen but instead of one song, there are FOUR!! Four tunes that will have audiences humming as they leave the theater.
The story is standard fare that becomes a bit bizarre towards the end. Between the sinkhole, taking the restaurant on the road and the idiotic plot twist at the end, all in the name of greed and wealth, Bob's Burgers is entertaining if you leave your brain at the door.
The animation is top-notch and directors Loren Bouchard and Bernard Derriman keep the film moving along at a decent pace. Of course, the voice talents are individuals who are known and loved by fans with a few new ones thrown in, most notably Zach Galifianakis (The Hangover Trilogy) and Kevin Kline (In & Out).
If you have never watched the television series you may not get the inside jokes and, for many, this movie won't make you want to run home and binge-watch all twelve seasons. However, for a few hours of mindless fun, one could do far worse. Tina and Louise are terrific and their dialogue is sharp. Linda also has some great lines and even better expressions and movements. To be honest, the female characters seem infinitely more interesting than their male counterparts.
The plot is ok, the songs are catchy and the animation is very good. What more could you ask of a Bob's Burgers movie?
Grade: B