The plot, based on a true story, surrounds the life of Michael Oher, who is (spoiler alert) currently a National Football League player and All American. Traumatized as a young boy and not having a stable family , Oher grows up sad, shy, and alone. His athletic ability begins to shine as he reaches adolescences and his size makes him the envy of every football coach. Seeking to get his son a good education, Ohers father attempts to enroll him in an upper-class Christian academy. His lack of general knowledge and inability to read or write very well make this quite a challenge for the administration to take. Getting him on the football team proves to be a deciding factor in his admission.
Unfortunately It turns out Michael Oher is not very good at football. Enter Sandra Bullock. Playing the role of Leigh Anne Tuohey, Bullock comes off as a sassy, "go get 'em" strong type of woman - something Oher has never experienced in his life. After learning the Oher is homeless and alone, Touhey , with reluctance from her husband take Oher in and shows him what the good, strong family life is like. By connecting the football team to his new found family, Oher is able to overcome his short comings on the field and make it to play college football and ultimately be drafted into the NFL.
Bullock really does shine in the film, making the audience root for her and what she is doing to help Oher. Her spot on southern accent and subtle way of winking just at the right times seem to be a bit improved by her and she'll really knock the socks of the men in the audience. Women will want to be more like her, and the character is great role model for kids to look up to. The film makers and Bullock really hit all the bases with the character and Bullock is deserving of her Best Actress oscar.
Ultimately, however, "The Blind Side" is just another sports movie. While the on the field scenes are few and far between, its pretty clear that Oher is going to develop both on the field and in his academic and personal life. There is nothing new to this formula and it feels overdone and certainly was over-hyped thanks to Bullocks standout performance. I decent movie with good acting, a recycled storyline and a happy ending, "The Blind Side" a good family flick but mostly forgettable.