Due Date tells the story of a soon-to-be Dad, Peter Highman (Robert Downey, Jr. Iron Man, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang), who after some pretty insane circumstances, is forced to hitch a ride to Los Angeles with aspiring actor, Ethan Tremblay (Zach Galifianakis, The Hangover, Dinner for Schmucks). It becomes a crazy road trip across America.
Saying Due Date is anything more than a slick comedy would be giving it more credit than it is due. However, Due Date, provides exactly what it advertises – great laughs.
Todd Phillips (The Hangover, Old School) turns the normal buddy road trip movie on its side to provide you with laugh-out-loud moments the entire film. Just when you think it safe to take a breath -- another few minutes of the film has played that has you laughing so hard your side hurts.
The main cast of Due Date plays their roles as close to perfection as possible -- the high-strung Robert Downey, Jr, to the perfectly annoying Zach Galifianakis, to the gorgeous Mother-to-be Michelle Monaghan. (It is great to see Robert Downey, Jr and her together on the screen again.) Aside from the main cast, Due Date hosts some great cameos from Jamie Foxx, Juliette Lewis, Danny McBride, RZA, Alan Harper, and Charlie Sheen.
To say Due Date is just hilarious is an insult to its humor. In all honestly, I have felt such cathartic laughter in a long time. If you are looking for a great comedy to spend an evening with your loved one, or even a group of friends, look no further you have found that film. Just be warned that after seeing this film, you may never look at a male French bulldog the same way ever again.