Search Results For Dennis Quaid

Kin (2018)
KIN, a pulse-pounding crime thriller with a sci-fi twist, is the story of an unexpected hero destined for greatness. Chased by a vengeful criminal (James Franco), the feds and a gang of otherworldly...

Lawmen: Bass Reeves (2023)
Revealing the untold story of the most legendary lawman in the Old West, LAWMEN: BASS REEVES follows the journey of Reeves (Oyelowo) and his rise from enslavement to law enforcement as one of the...

Legion (2010)
In the supernatural action thriller Legion, an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels...

Midway (2019)
MIDWAY centers on the Battle of Midway, a clash between the American fleet and the Imperial Japanese Navy which marked a pivotal turning point in the Pacific Theater during WWII. The film, based on...

Pandorum (2009)
In "Pandorum," Dennis Quaid ("Vantage Point," "The Express") and Ben Foster ("3:10 to Yuma," "Alpha Dog") join Cam Gigandet ("Never Back...

Playing For Keeps (2012)
Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Dennis Quaid star in “Playing For Keeps,” a romantic comedy about a charming, down-on-his luck former soccer star...

Soul Surfer (2011)
Soul Surfer is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her sheer...

Strange World (2022)
The feature film introduces a legendary family of explorers, the Clades, as they attempt to navigate an uncharted, treacherous land alongside a motley crew that includes a mischievous blob, a...

The Substance (2024)
Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself?You. Only better in every way. You've got to try this product: The Substance.It changed my life.Demi Moore gives a career-best performance as...

Traffic (2001)
It's the high-stakes, high-risk world of the drug trade as seen through a well-blended mix of interrelated stories: a Mexican policeman (Benicio Del Toro) finds himself and his partner caught in...

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One Night In Bangkok
One Night In Bangkok
WAS: $9.99
NOW: $7.99
The Last Airbender
The Last Airbender
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $6.99