Search Results For Mark Wahlberg

The Departed (2006)
South Boston cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) goes undercover to infiltrate the organization of gangland chief Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). As Billy gains the mobster's trust, a career...

Entourage (2015)
Entourage," the much-anticipated big-screen version of the award-winning hit HBO series, reunites the show's original cast, led by Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara...

Father Stu (2022)
Based on a true story, Father Stu is an unflinchingly honest, funny, and ultimately uplifting drama about a lost soul who finds his purpose in a most unexpected place. When an injury ends his amateur...

Fear (1996)
When 16-year-old Nicole Walker (Reese Witherspoon) meets 23-year-old David McCall (Mark Wahlberg) at a Seattle nightclub, she falls in love. David is exciting and charming, and despite the wide age...

The Fighter (2010)
Inspired by an incredible true story, comes the gritty, affectionately humorous, yet stirring comeback tale of the unlikely boxing hero, “Irish” Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg), and his...

Flight Risk (2025)
In this high-stakes suspense thriller, Academy Award® nominee Mark Wahlberg (Actor in a Supporting Role, 2006 – The Departed) plays a pilot transporting an Air Marshal (Michelle Dockery) accompanying...

The Gambler (2014)
Jim Bennett (Academy Award (R)-nominee Mark Wahlberg) is a risk taker. Both an English professor and a high-stakes gambler, Bennett bets it all when he borrows from a gangster (Michael Kenneth...

The Happening (2008)
It begins with no clear warning. In a matter of minutes, episodes of strange, chilling deaths erupt in major American cities. For Philadelphia high school science teacher Elliot Moore (Mark Wahlberg)...

Infinite (2021)
For Evan McCauley (Mark Wahlberg), skills he has never learned and memories of places he has never visited haunt his daily life. Self-medicated and on the brink of a mental breakdown, Evan is sought...

Instant Family (2018)
When Pete (Mark Wahlberg) and Ellie (Rose Byrne) decide to start a family, they stumble into the world of foster care adoption. They hope to take in one small child but when they meet three siblings...

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