Search Results For Jr.

Watchmen (2019)
Set in an alternate history where masked vigilantes are treated as outlaws, WATCHMEN, from executive producer Damon Lindelof (Lost, The Leftovers) embraces the nostalgia of the original groundbreaking...

Waves (2019)
Set against the vibrant landscape of South Florida, and featuring an astonishing ensemble of award-winning actors and breakouts alike, Waves traces the epic emotional journey of a suburban...

Weird Science (1985)
Teen life is full of mysteries, but nothing is more hilarious or more fun than Weird Science, the out-of-this-world comedy that helped define a generation! Join two socially challenged computer...

What's Your Number? (2011)
Ally Darling (Anna Faris) is realizing she's a little lost in life. Her latest romance has just fizzled out, and she's just been fired from her marketing job. Then, she reads an eye-opening...

Where the Crawdads Sing (2022)
From the best-selling novel comes a captivating mystery. Where the Crawdads Sing tells the story of Kya, an abandoned girl who raised herself to adulthood in the dangerous marshlands of...

Zodiac (2007)
Based on the true story of one of the most intriguing unsolved crimes in the nation's history, Zodiac is a thriller from David Fincher, director of Seven and Fight Club. As a serial killer terrifies...

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Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
WAS: $16.99
NOW: $7.99
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Money Talks
Money Talks
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99