Search Results For Mr. Lawrence

Welcome Back Kotter (1975)
"Welcome Back, Kotter" is a beloved sitcom from the 1970s that follows Gabe Kotter (Gabe Kaplan), a former troublemaking student who returns to James Buchanan High School as a teacher to a new...

Wolf Pack (2023)
Based on the book series by Edo Van Belkom, WOLF PACK follows a teenage boy and girl whose lives are changed forever when a California wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature and drives it...

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming...

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. The beloved characters from the original "X-Men" film trilogy join...

X-Men: First Class (2011)
"X-Men: First Class," following the classic Marvel mythology, charts the epic beginning of the X-Men saga. Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two...

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