Search Results For Lucas

Strange Magic (2015)
“Strange Magic,” a new animated film from Lucasfilm Ltd., will be released by Touchstone Pictures on January 23, 2015. “Strange Magic” is a madcap fairy tale musical inspired by “A Midsummer Night's...

True Lies (2023)
TRUE LIES, inspired by James Cameron's hit action-comedy film of the same name, follows Harry (Steve Howey), a first-class international spy for U.S. intelligence agency Omega Sector, and his wife...

Waves (2019)
Set against the vibrant landscape of South Florida, and featuring an astonishing ensemble of award-winning actors and breakouts alike, Waves traces the epic emotional journey of a suburban...

The Witch (2016)
In this exquisitely made and terrifying new horror film, the age-old concepts of witchcraft, black magic and possession are innovatively brought together to tell the intimate and riveting story of one...

Wonderland (2003)
On the afternoon of July 1, 1981, Los Angeles police responded to a distress call at 8763 Wonderland Avenue in Laurel Canyon and discovered a grisly quadruple homicide. Drug dealers Ron Launius, Billy...

Wonka (2023)
Based on the extraordinary character at the center of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl's most iconic children's book and one of the best-selling children's books of all time, “Wonka”...

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming...

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Some Kind of Wonderful
Some Kind of Wonderful
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $6.99
Project Almanac
Project Almanac
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $6.99
Emily The Criminal
Emily The Criminal
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99