Search Results For Cher
Joy Ride (2023)
The hilarious and unapologetically explicit story of identity and self-discovery centers on four unlikely friends who embark on a once-in-a-lifetime international adventure. When Audrey's (Ashley...
The hilarious and unapologetically explicit story of identity and self-discovery centers on four unlikely friends who embark on a once-in-a-lifetime international adventure. When Audrey's (Ashley...
The Killer (2023)
The Killer is a 2023 American action thriller film directed by David Fincher and starring Michael Fassbender, Tilda Swinton, Charles Parnell, and Arliss Howard 12. The movie is based on the French...
The Killer is a 2023 American action thriller film directed by David Fincher and starring Michael Fassbender, Tilda Swinton, Charles Parnell, and Arliss Howard 12. The movie is based on the French...
Killers (2010)
Trying to recover from a sudden break-up, Jen Kornfeldt (Katherine Heigl) believes she’ll never fall in love again. But when she reluctantly joins her parents on a trip to the French Riviera, Jen...
Trying to recover from a sudden break-up, Jen Kornfeldt (Katherine Heigl) believes she’ll never fall in love again. But when she reluctantly joins her parents on a trip to the French Riviera, Jen...
Knuckles (2024)
Set in the cinematic universe of "Sonic the Hedgehog," the "Knuckles" series follows an action-packed journey of self-discovery. While struggling to adjust to life on Earth, Knuckles the Echidna takes...
Set in the cinematic universe of "Sonic the Hedgehog," the "Knuckles" series follows an action-packed journey of self-discovery. While struggling to adjust to life on Earth, Knuckles the Echidna takes...
Lilo & Stitch [Live Action] (2025)
A live-action reimagining of Disney's 2002 animated classic, “Lilo & Stich” is the wildly funny and touching story of a lonely Hawaiian girl and the fugitive alien who helps to mend her broken...
A live-action reimagining of Disney's 2002 animated classic, “Lilo & Stich” is the wildly funny and touching story of a lonely Hawaiian girl and the fugitive alien who helps to mend her broken...
Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels (1999)
Looking to make a bundle in a high-stakes poker game, a quartet of shiftless lads from London's East End instead finds themselves up to their eyeballs in debt to underworld porn king "Hatchet" Harry...
Looking to make a bundle in a high-stakes poker game, a quartet of shiftless lads from London's East End instead finds themselves up to their eyeballs in debt to underworld porn king "Hatchet" Harry...
The Lost Boys (1987)
Financial troubles force a recent divorcee and her teenage sons Mike and Sam to settle down with her father in the California town of Santa Carla. At first, Sam laughs off rumors he hears about...
Financial troubles force a recent divorcee and her teenage sons Mike and Sam to settle down with her father in the California town of Santa Carla. At first, Sam laughs off rumors he hears about...
The Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008)
The sequel is set in the shady surf city of Luna Bay, California, where vampires quickly dispatch anyone who crosses their path. Into this dark world arrive Chris Emerson and his younger sister...
The sequel is set in the shady surf city of Luna Bay, California, where vampires quickly dispatch anyone who crosses their path. Into this dark world arrive Chris Emerson and his younger sister...
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
In this inspirational true story, Machine Gun Preacher is about Sam Childers, a former drug-dealing criminal who undergoes an astonishing transformation and finds an unexpected calling as the savior...
In this inspirational true story, Machine Gun Preacher is about Sam Childers, a former drug-dealing criminal who undergoes an astonishing transformation and finds an unexpected calling as the savior...
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
Get ready to sing and dance, laugh and love all over again.Ten years after Mamma Mia! The Movie grossed more than $600 million around the world, you are invited to return to the magical Greek island...
Get ready to sing and dance, laugh and love all over again.Ten years after Mamma Mia! The Movie grossed more than $600 million around the world, you are invited to return to the magical Greek island...
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North by Northwest
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The Wicker Man
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99
NOW: $9.99
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99
NOW: $9.99