Search Results For Abbie Cornish

Geostorm (2017)
An experimental weather regulating system called Dutch Boy has been weaponized to take out countries by creating geostorms. Follows a stubborn but charming satellite designer who, when the...

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)
Acclaimed filmmaker Zack Snyder makes his animation debut with the fantasy family adventure "Guardians of Ga'Hoole," based on the beloved books by Kathryn Lasky. The film follows Soren, a...

Limitless (2011)
Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro star in Limitless, a paranoia-fueled action thriller about an unpublished writer whose life is transformed by a top-secret “smart drug” that allows him to use 100% of...

Robocop (2014)
In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this...

Seven Psychopaths (2012)
A struggling screenwriter (Colin Farrell) inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends (Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell) kidnap a gangster’s...

Sucker Punch (2011)
“Sucker Punch” is an epic action fantasy that takes us into the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Unrestrained by the boundaries...

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (2018)
When CIA analyst Jack Ryan stumbles upon a suspicious series of bank transfers his search for answers pulls him from the safety of his desk job and catapults him into a deadly game of cat and mouse...

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The Wicker Man
The Wicker Man
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99
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Magic Mike
Magic Mike
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99