Search Results For Chris Carter
X-Files (1993)
"The X-Files" is a science fiction television show created by Chris Carter that aired between 1993 - 2002. The show featured FBI Agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian...
"The X-Files" is a science fiction television show created by Chris Carter that aired between 1993 - 2002. The show featured FBI Agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian...
The X-Files Miniseries (2016)
Thirteen years after the original series run, the next mind-bending chapter of THE X-FILES is a thrilling, six-episode event series from creator/executive producer Chris Carter, with stars David...
Thirteen years after the original series run, the next mind-bending chapter of THE X-FILES is a thrilling, six-episode event series from creator/executive producer Chris Carter, with stars David...
X-Files: Fight The Future (1998)
Thirty-seven thousand years ago, a deadly secret was buried in a cave in Texas. Now the secret has been unleashed. And it's discovery may mean the end of all humanity."The plague to end all...
Thirty-seven thousand years ago, a deadly secret was buried in a cave in Texas. Now the secret has been unleashed. And it's discovery may mean the end of all humanity."The plague to end all...
X-Files: I Want to Believe (2008)
It is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show's most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully...
It is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show's most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully...
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