Search Results For J.J. Connolly

The Boondock Saints (2000)
When a series of mysterious murders occur in Boston, the police begin to suspect that the deaths are vigilante killings perpetrated by twins Connor (Sean Patrick Flannery, To Live and Die) and Murphy...

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day is the highly-anticipated sequel to indie cult classic, The Boondock Saints. The film is the continuation of writer & director Troy Duffy's tough...

Brave (2012)
Since ancient times, stories of epic battles and mystical legends have been passed through the generations across the rugged and mysterious Highlands of Scotland. In “Brave,” a new tale joins the lore...

The Cabin In The Woods (2012)
When five college friends (Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, Anna Hutchison, Fran Kranz, Jesse Williams) arrive at a remote forest cabin for a little vacation, little do they expect the horrors that...

Deep Water (2022)
Based on the celebrated novel by famed mystery writer Patricia Highsmith (The Talented Mr. Ripley), “Deep Water” takes us inside the marriage of picture-perfect Vic (Ben Affleck) and Melinda (Ana de...

Entourage (2015)
Entourage," the much-anticipated big-screen version of the award-winning hit HBO series, reunites the show's original cast, led by Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara...

Gotti (2018)
John Travolta stars as the legendary mobster, John Gotti, head of the largest and most powerful crime organization in North America, the Gambino Family. His flamboyant style, charm and ruthless...

Gulliver's Travels (2010)
A bigscreen adaptation of "Gulliver's Travels," with Jack Black taking on the title role of Lemuel Gulliver, a free-spirited travel writer who, on an assignment to the Bermuda Triangle...

Jurassic World (2015)
Steven Spielberg returns to executive produce the long-awaited next installment of his groundbreaking Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World. Colin Trevorrow directs the epic action-adventure based on...

Jurassic World Dominion (2022)
This summer, experience the epic conclusion to the Jurassic era as two generations unite for the first time. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are joined by Oscar®-winner Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum...

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John Carpenter's Vampires
John Carpenter's Vampires
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The Karate Kid
The Karate Kid
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True Lies
True Lies
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