Search Results For Jerry Levine
Born on The Fourth of July (1990)
Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone's Academy Award®-winning masterpiece. Based on a true story, the acclaimed film follows the...
Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone's Academy Award®-winning masterpiece. Based on a true story, the acclaimed film follows the...
Teen Wolf (1985)
A small town teen (Michael J. Fox) has a life-changing experience when he discovers his family's hereditary secret, lycanthrope! Although his popularity soars whenever he changes into a werewolf...
A small town teen (Michael J. Fox) has a life-changing experience when he discovers his family's hereditary secret, lycanthrope! Although his popularity soars whenever he changes into a werewolf...