Search Results For Scott Silver

8 Mile (2002)
In the absence of nurturing parents, Jimmy and his friends - cool and charismatic Future (Mekhi Phifer), optimistic dreamer Sol (Omar Benson Miller), aspiring activist DJ Iz (De'Angelo Wilson) and...

Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
"Battle: Los Angeles" revolves around a Marine staff sergeant (Eckhart) and his new platoon's battle against an alien invasion on the streets of Los Angeles. Rodriguez will play Crpl....

The Fighter (2010)
Inspired by an incredible true story, comes the gritty, affectionately humorous, yet stirring comeback tale of the unlikely boxing hero, “Irish” Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg), and his...

The Finest Hours (2016)
On February 18, 1952, a massive nor’easter struck New England, pummeling towns along the Eastern seaboard and wreaking havoc on the ships caught in its deadly path, including the SS Pendleton, a...

Joker (2019)
“Joker” centers around the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. Phillips’ exploration of Arthur Fleck (Phoenix), a man disregarded by society, is...

White Boy Rick (2018)
Set in 1980s Detroit at the height of the crack epidemic and the War on Drugs, WHITE BOY RICK is based on the moving true story of a blue-collar father and his teenage son, Rick Wershe, who became an...

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Money Talks
Money Talks
WAS: $12.99
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The Expendables 3
The Expendables 3
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $4.99
Veronica Mars: The Movie
Veronica Mars: The Movie
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99