Search Results For Tika Sumpter
Knuckles (2024)
Set in the cinematic universe of "Sonic the Hedgehog," the "Knuckles" series follows an action-packed journey of self-discovery. While struggling to adjust to life on Earth, Knuckles the Echidna takes...
Set in the cinematic universe of "Sonic the Hedgehog," the "Knuckles" series follows an action-packed journey of self-discovery. While struggling to adjust to life on Earth, Knuckles the Echidna takes...
Nobody's Fool (2018)
Trying to get back on her feet, wild child Tanya (Tiffany Haddish) looks to her buttoned-up, by the book sister Danica (Tika Sumpter) to help her get back on track. As these polar opposites collide —...
Trying to get back on her feet, wild child Tanya (Tiffany Haddish) looks to her buttoned-up, by the book sister Danica (Tika Sumpter) to help her get back on track. As these polar opposites collide —...
The Old Man & the Gun (2018)
The Old Man & the Gun is based on the mostly true story of Forrest Tucker (Robert Redford), from his daring prison escape at age 70 to a string of heists that confounded authorities and enchanted...
The Old Man & the Gun is based on the mostly true story of Forrest Tucker (Robert Redford), from his daring prison escape at age 70 to a string of heists that confounded authorities and enchanted...
Ride Along (2014)
For the past two years, high-school security guard Ben has been trying to show decorated APD detective James that he's more than just a video-game junkie who's unworthy of James' sister, Angela. When...
For the past two years, high-school security guard Ben has been trying to show decorated APD detective James that he's more than just a video-game junkie who's unworthy of James' sister, Angela. When...
Ride Along 2 (2016)
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube lead the returning lineup of Ride Along 2, the sequel to the blockbuster action-comedy that gave us the year’s most popular comedy duo. Joining Hart and Cube for the next...
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube lead the returning lineup of Ride Along 2, the sequel to the blockbuster action-comedy that gave us the year’s most popular comedy duo. Joining Hart and Cube for the next...
Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is a live-action adventure comedy based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise from Sega that centers on the infamously brash bright blue hedgehog. The film follows the...
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is a live-action adventure comedy based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise from Sega that centers on the infamously brash bright blue hedgehog. The film follows the...
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (2022)
The world's favorite blue hedgehog is back for a next-level adventure in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2. After settling in Green Hills, Sonic is eager to prove he has what it takes to be a true hero. His test...
The world's favorite blue hedgehog is back for a next-level adventure in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2. After settling in Green Hills, Sonic is eager to prove he has what it takes to be a true hero. His test...
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (2024)
Sonic the Hedgehog returns to the big screen this holiday season in his most thrilling adventure yet. Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a powerful new adversary, Shadow, a mysterious villain...
Sonic the Hedgehog returns to the big screen this holiday season in his most thrilling adventure yet. Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a powerful new adversary, Shadow, a mysterious villain...
Sparkle (2012)
Musical prodigy, Sparkle (Jordin Sparks) struggles to become a star while overcoming issues that are tearing her family apart. From an affluent Detroit area and daughter to a single mother (Whitney...
Musical prodigy, Sparkle (Jordin Sparks) struggles to become a star while overcoming issues that are tearing her family apart. From an affluent Detroit area and daughter to a single mother (Whitney...
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