
Aftermath (2017)
Two strangers' lives become inextricably bound together after a devastating plane crash. Inspired by actual events, AFTERMATH tells a story of guilt and revenge after an air traffic controller's...

Air America (1990)
Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. are two renegade pilots ensnared in the madness of covert operations over Laos during the Vietnam conflict. They lead the crew of AIR AMERICA, a not-so-secret airline...

Air Force One (1997)
The fate of the nation rests on the courage of one man. Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman star in two-time Oscar® nominee Wolfgang Petersen's gripping thriller about an uncompromising U.S. President who...

Aladdin (2019)
“Aladdin” is the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie who may be the key to their future. Directed by Guy Ritchie, who...

Alex Cross (2012)
ALEX CROSS follows the young homicide detective/psychologist (Tyler Perry), as he meets his match in a serial killer (Matthew Fox). The two face off in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, but when...

Alexander (2004)
From Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone ("Any Given Sunday," "Platoon") comes this epic story of Alexander the Great, the King of Macedonia and one of the greatest...

Alpha (2018)
An epic adventure set in the last Ice Age. Europe, 20,000 years ago. While on his first hunt with his tribe’s most elite group, a young man is injured and left for dead. Awakening to find...

The Amateur (2025)
The all-new espionage thriller opens in theaters nationwide on April 11, 2025. Charlie Heller (Malek) is a brilliant, but deeply introverted decoder for the CIA working out of a basement office at...

Ambulance (2022)
Over one day across the streets of L.A., three lives will change forever.In this breakneck thriller from director-producer Michael Bay, decorated veteran Will Sharp (Emmy winner Yahya Abdul-Mateen II...

American Assassin (2017)
AMERICAN ASSASSIN follows the rise of Mitch Rapp (Dylan O'Brien), a CIA black ops recruit under the instruction of Cold War veteran Stan Hurley (Michael Keaton). The pair is then enlisted by CIA...

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The November Man
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