TV/Streaming Series

Angel (1999)
A centuries-old vampire cursed with a conscience, Angel (Boreanaz) left the small California town of Sunnydale and the only woman he ever loved to take up residence in the City of Angels. Between the...

Animal Kingdom (2016)
Inspired by the critically acclaimed 2010 Australian movie by the same name, Animal Kingdom centers on 17-year-old "J" Cody, who moves in with his freewheeling relatives in their Southern...

Archer (2010)
Archer is an animated, half-hour comedy that revolves around the spy agency known as the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) and the lives of its employees. Although their work of...

The Ark (2023)
“The Ark” takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft...

Arrow (2012)
From executive producers Greg Berlanti (Green Lantern), Marc Guggenheim (Green Lantern), Andrew Kreisberg (Fringe) and David Nutter (Smallville), hard-hitting action series Arrow reinvents the DC...

Ash vs Evil Dead (2015)
ASH VS EVIL DEAD is the long-awaited follow-up to the classic horror film franchise THE EVIL DEAD from original filmmakers Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert, and Bruce Campbell and Craig DiGregorio. Campbell...

Ballers (2015)
The sun-soaked world of a group of past and present football players in and around Miami, FL is the setting for Season 1 of this half-hour comedy series starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Created by...

Barry (2018)
A cold-blooded hitman has a career epiphany when he's thrust into the intoxicating world of LA theatre in this dark comedy series starring Bill Hader ('Saturday Night Live'). In Season 1, Barry's...

Bates Motel (2013)
"Bates Motel," inspired by Hitchcock's genre-defining film, "Psycho," is a contemporary exploration of the formative years of Norman Bates' relationship with his mother, Norma, and the world they...

Batman: The Animated Series (1992)
When the two shots rang out, Bruce Wayne's life changed forever. He pledged himself to justice and he held that oath for years. The acclaimed, Emmy-winning TV series redefined this complex man as...

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The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
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