"World War Z" premiered in London on Sunday, and Brad Pitt was accompanied by his partner, Angelina Jolie, in her first public appearance since her mastectomy.
The pair walked the black, not red, carpet, giving interviews along the way. Pitt told one reporter that it is the "most intense thing you will see this summer." He added that he is very excited about the world finally seeing the film, which he describes as "big fun".
Muse performed at the event, as they contributed to the soundtrack. Pitt said, "We were looking for a 'Tubular Bells', which if you remember is the theme song from The Exorcist. We wanted to find something that had that same kind of feeling. Lo and behold, these guys, our friends Muse, were reading the [World War Z) book at the same time they were writing their album 'The 2nd Law'. "
Pitt stars in the film as a United Nations employee battling to save the world from a zombie apocalypse.
The film will be released in the US on June 21.
Countdown to the release of World War Z, with the iPhone Movie Countdown Clock App.
Countdown to the release of World War Z, with the iPhone Movie Countdown Clock App.