Originally, Disney CEO Bob Iger didn't announce what film had been taken. He had just told ABC employees in a town hall meeting in New York on Monday that the situation was occurring. The hackers said that they would release bits of the film until their demands were met. According to reports, Disney is refusing to pay anything to the hackers.
Netflix recently had the same issue with a hacker released 10 episodes of Orange Is The New Black after their demands weren't met.
Hector Monsegur, Director of Security Assessments for Rhino Security Labs, said, "All these companies like Disney, Netflix and Discovery may have very good security teams but you have all these vendors and small production companies which don't have great security and probably don't have the budget to focus on their own security so hackers get in pretty easily. Remember back in the day when movies would leak online and they would go to a pirate bay? Now there has been a shift with the advent of ransomware so (these companies) are getting demands to pay for their own IP. Any studio is going to have a problem moving forward protecting their IPs."
Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, which began in 2003, has been hugely successful, earning over $3.7 billion worldwide.
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