The Originals premiered in 2013 as a Vampire Diaries spin-off, and now we will be getting another new spin-off for the franchise. Rumor has it that things are getting kicked into high gear for a new series featuring Matt Davis, who plays Alaric Saltzman and Danielle Rose Russell, who plays Hope Mikaelson.
The series is said to focus on the character of Hope. It will also star Aria Shahghasemi, who will also be featured in the upcoming final season of The Originals, Quincy Fouse, Jenny Boyd and Kaylee Bryant. Fouse, Boyd and Bryant will all play new chracters in the new series. Matt Davis will be a major part of the show reprising his role of Alaric Saltzman.
The series is hoping to be picked up for the CW's 2018-2019 season, which will be debuting a whopping 9 pilots.