Supernatural, the iconic CW show, will be ending after its upcoming 15th season. The series stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins.
"We just told the crew that though we're very, very excited to be moving into our 15th season, it will be our last. Fifteen years of a show that has certainly changed my life. I know it's changed these two guys' (Padalecki and Collins) life. And we just wanted you to hear from us that though we're excited about next year, it will be the finale. The big, grand finale of a new institution", Ackles said.
"We've cried some tears and we'll cry some more..." said Padalecki. We're grateful, but we'll work all the emotion in next season."
Supernatural is the longest running CW series and will have aired 327 episodes at the end of its run.
Executive producers Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb also commented about the news, saying, "Firstly, we would like to thank all the people who have been involved with the show both in front of and behind the camera. For us, it has been an experience of a lifetime. The support we have had from both Warner Bros. Television and The CW has been incredible. We'd like to give special thanks to Jensen, Jared, and Misha for making this journey so special. It is now most important to us to give these characters that we love the send-off they deserve."
The 15th and final season of Supernatural will begin this fall.