New Line Cinema is joining Warner Bros. Animation to bring Middle Earth fans an original anime theatrical feature "The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim." The film will follow the story behind Helm's Deep, which is depicted in "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers". The storyline takes place about 260 years before the film trilogy.
Kenji Kamiyama will direct from a script by Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews. Joseph Chou will produce.
"All of us at New Line feel a deep affinity for the extraordinary world J.R.R. Tolkien created, so the opportunity to dive back into Middle-earth with the team at Warner Bros. Animation is a dream come true," Carolyn Blackwood, Warner Bros. Pictures Group chief operating officer, and Richard Brener, New Line Cinema president and chief creative officer, said in a statement. "Fans know Helm's Deep as the stage for one of the greatest battles ever put to film and, with many of the same creative visionaries involved and the brilliant Kenji Kamiyama at the helm, we couldn't be more excited to deliver a fresh vision of its history that will invite global audiences to experience the rich, complex saga of Middle-earth in a thrilling new way."
Sam Register, President of Warner Bros. Animation, said, "This will be yet another epic portrayal of J.R.R. Tolkien's world that has never been told before. We're honored to partner with much of the incredible talent behind both film trilogies, along with new creative luminaries to tell this story."
Tags: war of the rohirrim, lord of the rings, new line cinema, warner bros. animation