Marvel Studios introduces its rendition of the "Fantastic Four," the iconic superhero quartet originally created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for Marvel Comics. The stellar cast includes Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards (aka Mr. Fantastic), Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm (aka the Invisible Woman), Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm (aka the Human Torch), and Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm (aka the Thing).
In connection with this announcement, Disney has adjusted the release dates for two highly anticipated films: "The Fantastic Four" is now scheduled for July 25, 2025, while "Thunderbolts" is set for May 2, 2025. These additions join the lineup of Marvel tentpoles for 2025, alongside "Captain America: Brave New World" in February and "Blade" in November. The year 2026 will feature four more Marvel films, including "Avengers: The Kang Dynasty," signaling a notable expansion from the 2024 lineup, which only includes "Deadpool & Wolverine."
Specific plot details haven't been announced, however, in the comic source material, the Fantastic Four transforms into superheroes after exposure to cosmic rays during a space mission. Reed gains incredible elasticity, Sue becomes the Invisible Woman with light manipulation abilities, Johnny can turn into fire and fly, and Ben transforms into the Thing, boasting super strength with an imposing, rock-like appearance.
Matt Shakman, known for his work on "WandaVision" and "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters," is set to direct "Fantastic Four." The screenplay is penned by Josh Friedman, Jeff Kaplan, and Ian Springer. Filming is anticipated to commence by the summer.
Pedro Pascal is expected to first film Season 2 of HBO's "The Last of Us" before embodying the role of Reed Richards. Joseph Quinn gained recognition for his role in "Stranger Things," while Ebon Moss-Bachrach recently won an Emmy for his performance on FX's "The Bear." Vanessa Kirby, known for her roles in "The Crown" and "Pieces of a Woman," expressed her excitement to play Sue Storm.
Historically, the Fantastic Four movie rights were held by 20th Century Fox, which produced three films. However, after Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox, the characters have now become part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
Tags: fantastic four, marvel, disney, mcu
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