Atomic Monster and Blumhouse have announced their collaboration on "SOULM8TE," a new film set in the universe of "M3GAN," promising a fresh twist with cutting-edge technology. Directed by Kate Dolan, known for her work on "You Are Not My Mother," the movie will explore the narrative of a 1990s erotic thriller. Scheduled for release on January 2, 2026, with previews on New Year's Day, "SOULM8TE" delves into the consequences when a man seeks solace in an Artificially Intelligent android after losing his wife, inadvertently transforming a harmless lovebot into a dangerous soulmate.
Kate Dolan took the helm after reworking an original draft penned by Rafael Jordan, with a story developed by James Wan, Ingrid Bisu, and Jordan himself. The film marks a collaboration between Wan and Jason Blum as producers, with Michael Clear, Judson Scott, and Ingrid Bisu on board as executive producers under Wan's Atomic Monster banner. Alayna Glasthal leads the project at Atomic Monster, emphasizing a thematic exploration of relationships and loneliness amidst technological advancements.
The announcement comes on the heels of the success of "M3GAN," which grossed over $181 million worldwide upon its surprise release in winter 2023. A sequel, "M3GAN 2.0," featuring Allison Williams and Violet McGraw, is slated for June 27, 2025. Dolan, reflecting on "SOULM8TE," described it as a captivating addition to the "M3GAN" universe, promising to merge a thrilling narrative with her distinctive cinematic perspective.
Tags: soulm8te, m3gan, atomic monster, blumhouse
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