CBS is gearing up for a thrilling new addition to its lineup with a series centered on the iconic character of Van Helsing, known for his prowess as a monster hunter. Developed by Jonathan Lee, the creative force behind Netflix's "Lockerbie," this contemporary adaptation promises to inject fresh life into the legendary figure. The project, acquired by CBS in a competitive bidding war, will be executive produced by Rob Doherty, Carl Beverly, and Sarah Timberman under Lionsgate Television.
Set against the backdrop of New York City, the series reimagines Van Helsing as a modern crime fighter. Teaming up with his ex-partner, relentless FBI agent Mina Harker, Van Helsing utilizes his sharp intellect and historical knowledge to solve the city's most perplexing cases. This dynamic partnership not only promises high-stakes drama but also explores the depths of character and history embedded in the Van Helsing lore.
The announcement marks CBS's latest venture into the realm of procedural dramas, following the recent revelation of another adaptation in the works. With Lee's track record in compelling storytelling and Doherty's experience from "Elementary," fans can anticipate a series that blends mystery, action, and the supernatural. As the legacy of Van Helsing continues to evolve across various media, from literature to film and now television, this adaptation aims to captivate audiences with its unique take on the enduring mythos of the famed vampire hunter.
Tags: vanhelsing, cbs
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